September 17, 2024


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False insurance online, band based in Caserta vanquished

5 min read

Between the provinces of Caserta, Naples and Isernia, following investigations directed by the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, the carabinieri of the provincial command of Milan, assisted in the executive phase by the territorially competent provincial commands, have executed two precautionary orders, issued by the Sammaritan court, against 16 Italian people, held in various capacities responsible for criminal conspiracy aimed at committing an indeterminate number of royals, attributable to the incriminating cases of aggravated fraud, self-laundering, fraudulent transfer of values, abusive exercise of activities insurance and insurance brokerage, as well as the use of counterfeit trademarks and signs. During the operational phases, the following were also carried out: 14 house search decrees; a preventive seizure decree issued by the public prosecutor, concerning two slot and betting rooms, 17 car resale companies (at least ten of which have no physical headquarters), a clothing trading company, a clothing store, various properties located in the provinces of Caserta and Isernia, a motorboat, several cars, as well as numerous financial relationships; a seizure decree of nine internet sites still active.

The investigative activities began in 2017, when the Carabinieri investigative unit of Milan – in the face of a considerable and constant number of complaints presented by the major insurance groups, concerning the marketing of false Rca insurance policies – put in place a in-depth analysis, which photographed the particular breadth and alarming diffusivity of the criminal phenomenon reported (of a plurioffensive type, as it also affects a very high number of unsuspecting individuals who purchase such false policies). The investigation, launched with the Milan Public Prosecutor’s Office, in January 2018, was transferred – by territorial jurisdiction – to the Santa Maria Capua Vetere Prosecutor’s Office, engaging in another investigative activity directed by this Office, already busily engaged, by far 2013, for the stigmatization of these criminal phenomena. After two years of detailed investigations – conducted through activities of an interceptive nature, observation, control and shadowing, analysis of telephone records, accurate asset assessments, all supported, then, by the statements made by some people informed on the facts – the existence of a particularly structured and operating criminal association, at least since 2012, mainly in the Caserta municipalities of Cancello and Arnone, Castel Volturno and Villa Literno. This criminal group – fully operational up to the moment of the execution of the precautionary measures – was dedicated, as a matter of priority, to the counterfeiting and marketing – by means of several dozen websites of fake insurance intermediaries – of temporary, half-yearly and annual RCA insurance policies. .

The proceeds of fraud offenses were subsequently reinvested – thus hindering the identification of their criminal origin – through the preparation and implementation of an articulated mechanism, consisting in passing the accumulated money as consideration for the false RCA insurance contracts on various postpay cards in the name of a nominee (at least 280 were identified during the investigation). The latter then, in the role of “monetizers”, withdrew sums of cash on a daily basis which, in a small part were redistributed among the associates in the form of fixed or percentage compensation and, in the remaining and most conspicuous part, remained in the availability of the top management of the association, who reinvested it through the establishment and / or financing of a series of companies attributable to them, often through the shielding of fictitious owners. To give awareness of the alarming “economic” dimension of the criminal phenomenon in question, just think that the daily income approximately calculated and referable to a single “working day” amounted to figures ranging from 5,000 to 10,000 euros.

In the course of the investigations they were identified – and obscured by the carabinieri of the Milan Investigation Unit – at least 78 websites, compared to a platform that is considered much broader. The criminal structure operated in a perfectly tested way: a telematic platform was created through a composite and accurate anonymization system (located on foreign servers, fixed telephone numbers in virtual reality, fictitiously registered Sims); once the Internet site was created, through front names or false identities, priority privileges were acquired by Google to make the links attributable to the association immediately visible in the search field; the telephone operators responsible for answering were organized in two cali centers that were periodically located in different locations to avoid any investigations; the employment was distributed on extended shifts with hours 09.00 / 19.00 (with half an hour of lunch break) from Monday to Friday and 09.00 / 13.00 on Saturday; as well as in the “real” cali centers, there was the figure of team leaders who had the task of zealously overseeing the work activities; they were not only institutionally charged with supervising the compliance by the associates of the working hours, but also monitored the “productivity”, in terms of contracts made by the various operators (even in one case, a telephone operator was dismissed for the suspicion of low productivity, as found positive for cocaine use, following the urine test that was imposed on him by the leaders of the association).

The first victims of the system are certainly private citizens (sometimes even insurance brokers with offices throughout the peninsula) who daily, by the dozen, fell into this well-designed trap: they realized that they had been victims of the scam almost exclusively in the event of a road accident or police control (to give the of the diffusion, in one case, one of the many counterfeit insurance groups reported that in just one year they had registered about a thousand policies bearing their own trademark reported as false). Further offended parties are certainly the insurance companies, whose brand the organization appropriated, generating in the policyholders the belief that they had contracted with important insurance groups, with consequent economic and “image” damage.

The organization identified, extremely structured and pervasive, has acted undisturbed for years, developing a sense of impunity that has emerged on several occasions from the investigations. The leaders of the organization, two young people brothers of Villa Literno, Federico Catena is Dionigi Chain, were known in the country for their very high standard of living, including luxury cars and trips to casinos Sample, Lugano is Venice. Together with their two main collaborators, Salvatore Piccerillo is Antonio Di Dona, were found owners, through the screen of wooden heads, of various companies, operating above all in the sector of the resale of cars, sometimes stolen or set up with stolen pieces, as well as two slot rooms, a clothing store and various land: goods that they constituted the vehicle for the reuse of the illicit sums accumulated and which were subject to seizure, together with a large number of registered movable property. TOP VIDEO – Click here for a list of seized sites

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