September 16, 2024


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Concession of municipal and school sports facilities, public notice

5 min read
The Social, Educational and Cultural Activities Area of ​​the Municipality of Ruvo di Puglia has published a public notice for the issue of the concession to use municipal and school sports facilities and facilities for the 2020-2021 sports season.

There are spaces and hours of use of the following school sports facilities and facilities:

  • “Palazzetto dello Sport” in Via C. Colombo, managed by the company “Ruvo Servizi S.r.l.” in the reopening phase;
  • “Palazzetto dello Sport” in Via A. Volta, managed by the company “Ruvo Servizi S.r.l.”;
  • “Sports Camp” at the Polyvalent in Via Estramurale Pertini, managed by the Sports Club “A.S.D. Città di Ruvo”;
  • “Campo Sportivo” in Via A. Volta, managed by the “U.S.D. Ruvese” Sports Club of Ruvo di Puglia;
  • Indoor gymnasium Middle School “Giovanni XXIII-Carducci” in Via Madonna delle Grazie, 10;
  • Indoor gymnasium “Domenico Cotugno” State Middle School in Via Sott. Ten. Vito ippedico, 11;
  • Indoor gymnasium 1st Circle “G. Bovio” in Largo Di Vagno, 13;
  • Indoor gymnasium 2nd Circle “San G. Bosco” in Corso A. Jatta, 34 / d;
  • Football field in Via Scarlatti (near the I.T.C. “Tannoia”), at the corner of Viale Madonna della Grazie being assigned;
  • “Tennis courts and Sport Point” in Via A. Volta, managed by the company “A.S.D. Avis Tennis Ruvo”;

The public notice and the application forms are published on the website of the Municipality of Ruvo di Puglia. All persons authorized or qualified to perform:

  • sporting activity in the discipline of basketball, volleyball, five-a-side football or figure skating, for the Palazzetto in Via C. Colombo, or any other activity compatible with the characteristics of the aforementioned structure;
  • sporting activity in the discipline of basketball, volleyball or five-a-side football, for the Palazzetto di Via Volta, or any other activity compatible with the characteristics of the aforementioned structure;
  • sporting activity in the discipline of football for the sports field of Via Volta;
  • sporting activity in the discipline of 5-a-side football for the Campetto at the Polivalente;
  • sports activities in the discipline of tennis, volleyball and basketball for the tennis courts and the Sport Point in Via Volta;
  • various sports activities aimed at under 16 age groups, as long as they are compatible with the structural characteristics of school gyms;
  • sports activity in the discipline of football, volleyball, basketball and mountain biking for the football field in via Scarlatti adjacent to the I.T.C. of Viale Madonna delle Grazie;

They are borne by the requesting associations and or companies the spaces for the preparation and presentation, upon request, of a project relating to the organization of activities that takes into account the protection measures necessary to prevent the risk of contagion from Covid-19 provided for by the aforementioned legislation and rules on standards organizational and structural; and the costs related to the adoption of security measures to prevent the risk of Covid-19 contagion.

Regarding the sport facilities, you specify:

  • that availability is limited to opening days, theoretically expected to be 365 per year, without prejudice to the effects of the composition with creditors pursuant to art. 8 of the current municipal regulation, and in the time slots between 08.00 and 13.00 and between 15.00 and 22.00 (or up to 24.00 for the sports field in Via A. Volta, Tennis courts and Sport Point and the Campetto at the Polivalente in the months between May and September), the precise identification of which is the sole responsibility of the Municipality;
  • that the granting of such spaces and times of use includes the use of the playing field, changing rooms and toilets, as well as the cleaning service of the aforementioned environments and insurance coverage for civil liability for the period regularly granted, for persons or things that are inside the structure. It does not include insurance for any accidents due to the exercise of the activity which will be exclusively borne by the association or sports club to which the player is registered;
  • that the availability is limited, in any case, to the planned amount of time, except for the hours necessary for the dispute of federal championships, which will be able to find possible capacity in another part of the opening hours of the plant;
  • that availability is subject to payment to the concessionaire of the hourly rate referred to in the attached excerpt of the relevant Municipal Council Resolutions available on the website of the Municipality of Ruvo di Puglia.

Relative to school facilities it is specified that:

  • that the use in question is subject to compliance with the rules set out in the disciplinary, approved with the City Council Resolution no. 245 of 08.08.2017;
  • that availability is limited to the days and times free from educational-training commitments of competence and school initiative;
  • that the granting of such spaces and times of use requires the payment of € 2.00 per hour to be paid to the municipal treasury as required by art. 6 of the aforementioned specification and includes the use of the gym rooms, any changing rooms and toilets;
  • that the concession of such spaces does not include ordinary cleaning and civil liability insurance coverage for people or things that are inside the structure, which will remain at the care and expense of the dealers. It does not include insurance for any accidents due to the exercise of the activity which will be exclusively borne by the association or sports club to which the player is registered.

Applications to participate in this notice, under penalty of exclusion, drawn up on a specific form prepared by this Municipality and distributed at the headquarters of the Social, Educational and Cultural Activities Area – Sport Service in Via Solferino 1 / B – Ruvo di Puglia, or downloadable from the official website, must be presented, no later than the mandatory deadline of 31 August 2020, at the Protocol Office of the Municipal Palace, in Via Giorgio Amendola n. 12, from Monday to Friday (excluding holidays) from 9.00 to 13.00, or sent by registered letter, addressed to Mr. Mayor of the Municipality of Ruvo di Puglia, Piazza Matteotti n.31, in which case, the postmark of shipment will be valid, or by means of Pec to the following address: [email protected].

Applications for access to school facilities must also be addressed to the respective school managers. Responsible for the investigation and for any information is: P.I. Cleto Crispo – e-mail [email protected] – ​​tel. 0809507405.
Applications arriving after the aforementioned peremptory deadline will not be taken into consideration.

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